Colchis PetroConsulting Ltd. is an international solution provider to the oil and gas industry. Working together with its global technology partners, Colchis offers a unique "From Rock To Reservoir" integrated solution that covers detailed reservoir study combining nano space Digital Rock Analysis with petrophysics and geology/geophysics studies for more efficient E&P. With a core expert team of more than 20 years' industry experience, Colchis provides best-in-class consultancy to help clients resolving complex multidisciplinary issues.
Leveraging its vast project experiences, Colchis developed the most easy-to-use rock physics software tool namely ColchisRP and an innovative seismic forward modeling package ColchisFM, and a comprehensive research and management platform ColchisRM for the integration of geology, reservoir and engineering. Besides, Colchis jointly developed a new generation full waveform sonic processing and 3D wellbore visualization software WAVES with Saudi Aramco.
Our Vision is to be a preferred solutions provider of market leading oilfield technology and expert geosciences and engineering advisory services to the E&P industry.
Our Mission is to provide our customers with multi-disciplinary solutions that deliver value for improving reservoir performance, facilitating timely and effective decision making and reducing risk and uncertainty through cooperation and partnership with leading oilfield technology companies.
Saudi Aramco is the state-owned oil company of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and a fully integrated, global petroleum and chemicals enterprise.
Started from the beginning of 2021, Colchis entered into a joint R&D and commercialization project with Saudi Aramco and the product was released to the global E&P customers.